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Super Oats Colouring Competition – Deadline Extended

Following numerous requests from teachers and parents across the country asking us for an extra day or two on our Super Oats Colouring Competition, we have decided to extend the deadline until Friday March 4th. The winner will therefore be announced on March 9th to allow our judges sufficient time to review all the entries.
We’ve already received over 1,000 entries this year and we’re so thrilled with the effort that has gone in by children from every corner of the country. Well done to all the teachers and students who have gotten involved – we hope you had fun!
Other Happenings
1st Jul, 2021
June Hamper Competition Winners -
9th Mar, 2022
Super Oats Competition Winner & Runners Up... -
14th Nov, 2023
Origin Green Gold for 2023! -
17th Sep, 2021
Oat Drinks Competition - Sept 2021 -
26th May, 2022
Breakfast of Champions for Kellie Harrington -
7th Oct, 2024
Flahavan’s ‘Lovely Doubly Baked’ campaign... -
19th Feb, 2020
Super Oats Competition Winner Announced -
14th May, 2020
Bake-Off at Ratheniska Foroige Club -
4th Mar, 2022
Sending love and support to the people of Ukraine -
5th Jan, 2023
Bags Full of Potential €1,000 - Seven Winners...